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18 June 2023

Libre Office Writer Question and Answer For CCC Examination

Libre Office Writer Question and Answer For CCC Examination  

Here are some LibreOffice Writer multiple-choice questions with four options in Hinglish for the CCC examination:

1. LibreOffice Writer क्या है?

   a) एक वर्ड प्रोसेसर ऐप्लिकेशन

   b) एक स्प्रेडशीट ऐप्लिकेशन

   c) एक प्रेजेंटेशन ऐप्लिकेशन

   d) एक इंटरनेट ब्राउज़र

2. Writer में आप किस फाइल फॉर्मेट में सहेज सकते हैं?

   a) .docx

   b) .xlsx

   c) .pptx

   d) .txt

3. Writer में कौनसा टूल उपयोग किया जाता है ताकि आप टेक्स्ट के आकार को समायोजित कर सकें?

   a) फॉर्मेट टूल

   b) फॉन्ट टूल

   c) पेज लेआउट टूल

   d) स्पेलिंग और व्याकरण टूल

4. आप कौनसे मेनू का उपयोग करके वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग की भाषा सेट कर सकते हैं?

   a) फाइल मेनू

   b) व्यू मेनू

   c) इंसर्ट मेनू

   d) टूल्स मेनू

5. Writer में टेक्स्ट को कैसे बोल्ड किया जा सकता है?

   a) Ctrl + B

   b) Ctrl + U

   c) Ctrl + I

   d) Ctrl + S

6. Writer में पेज के बाएं और दाएं तट पर क्लिक करके कौनसा विषय बदला जा सकता है?

   a) मार्जिन

   b) इंडेंट

   c) रूलर

   d) फार्मेट टूल

7. वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग में स्पेलिंग और व्याकरण टिप्पणियों को कैसे सक्षम किया जाता


   a) व्यू मेनू से

   b) टूल्स मेनू से

   c) इंसर्ट मेनू से

   d) एडिट मेनू से

8. Writer में टेक्स्ट की कॉपी कैसे की जाती है?

   a) Ctrl + C

   b) Ctrl + X

   c) Ctrl + V

   d) Ctrl + Z

9. Writer में आप किस चरण को प्रिंट कर सकते हैं?

   a) फाइल के चरण

   b) व्यू के चरण

   c) इंसर्ट के चरण

   d) पेज लेआउट के चरण

10. Writer में किस टूल का उपयोग करके आप अपने दस्तावेज़ के शीर्षक या अंतिम पाठ में प्रवेश कर सकते हैं?

   a) गो टू टूल

   b) फाइंड और रिप्लेस टूल

   c) हाइपरलिंक टूल

   d) आउटलाइन टूल

उम्मीद है कि यह प्रश्नोत्तरी आपके CCC परीक्षा की तैयारी में मददगार साबित होगी। ध्यान दें कि यहां प्रदान की गई जानकारी केवल सामान्य मार्गदर्शन के लिए है और नवीनतम संस्करण के साथ स्वचालित रूप से अपडेट नहीं होगी।

Libre Office Writer Question and Answer For CCC Examination 

Here are 30 multiple-choice questions in Hindi related to LibreOffice Writer, along with four options for each question. The correct answer for each question is indicated with "(Correct)" at the end. Enjoy!

1. LibreOffice Writer क्या है?
   a) एक डाटाबेस प्रोग्राम
   b) एक स्प्रेडशीट प्रोग्राम
   c) एक वर्ड प्रोसेसर प्रोग्राम
   d) एक प्रेजेंटेशन प्रोग्राम
   (उत्तर: c) एक वर्ड प्रोसेसर प्रोग्राम (Correct)

2. Writer में टेक्स्ट कैसे बोल्ड किया जाता है?
   a) Ctrl + B
   b) Ctrl + I
   c) Ctrl + U
   d) Ctrl + S
   (उत्तर: a) Ctrl + B (Correct)

3. Writer में अंडरलाइन कैसे जोड़ा जाता है?
   a) Ctrl + B
   b) Ctrl + I
   c) Ctrl + U
   d) Ctrl + S
   (उत्तर: c) Ctrl + U (Correct)

4. वर्ड प्रोसेसर के माध्यम से किसी वस्तु को कैसे कॉपी किया जाता है?
   a) Ctrl + V
   b) Ctrl + X
   c) Ctrl + C
   d) Ctrl + P
   (उत्तर: c) Ctrl + C (Correct)

5. Writer में पेस्ट कैसे किया जाता है?
   a) Ctrl + V
   b) Ctrl + X
   c) Ctrl + C
   d) Ctrl + P
   (उत्तर: a) Ctrl + V (Correct)

6. Writer में पेज सेटअप के लिए कौनसा टैब उपयोग किया जाता है?
   a) संगणक
   b) प्रारंभ
   c) सूची
   d) पृष्ठ सेटअप
   (उत्तर: d) पृष्ठ सेटअप (Correct)

7. Writer में निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा टूल स्पेलिंग और ग्रामर चेक करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?
   a) वर्ड काउंट

   b) थेसॉरस
   c) टिप्पणी
   d) ऑटोकोरेक्ट
   (उत्तर: d) ऑटोकोरेक्ट (Correct)

8. Writer में टेक्स्ट को सेंटर करने के लिए कौनसा बटन उपयोग किया जाता है?
   a) लेफ्ट एलाइनमेंट
   b) सेंटर एलाइनमेंट
   c) राइट एलाइनमेंट
   d) जस्टिफाइड एलाइनमेंट
   (उत्तर: b) सेंटर एलाइनमेंट (Correct)

9. Writer में टेक्स्ट को दायां ओर सेंटर करने के लिए कौनसा बटन उपयोग किया जाता है?
   a) लेफ्ट एलाइनमेंट
   b) सेंटर एलाइनमेंट
   c) राइट एलाइनमेंट
   d) जस्टिफाइड एलाइनमेंट
   (उत्तर: c) राइट एलाइनमेंट (Correct)

10. Writer में टेक्स्ट को बाएं ओर सेंटर करने के लिए कौनसा बटन उपयोग किया जाता है?
    a) लेफ्ट एलाइनमेंट
    b) सेंटर एलाइनमेंट
    c) राइट एलाइनमेंट
    d) जस्टिफाइड एलाइनमेंट
    (उत्तर: a) लेफ्ट एलाइनमेंट (Correct)

11. Writer में वर्ड काउंट कैसे देखा जाता है?
    a) टूल्स → वर्ड काउंट
    b) फ़ाइल → वर्ड काउंट
    c) विज़नु → वर्ड काउंट
    d) सेटिंग्स → वर्ड काउं

    (उत्तर: a) टूल्स → वर्ड काउंट (Correct)

12. Writer में नया डॉक्यूमेंट कैसे बनाया जाता है?
    a) फ़ाइल → नया
    b) विज़नु → नया
    c) सेटिंग्स → नया
    d) टूल्स → नया
    (उत्तर: a) फ़ाइल → नया (Correct)

13. Writer में टेक्स्ट को इटैलिक कैसे बनाया जाता है?
    a) Ctrl + B
    b) Ctrl + I
    c) Ctrl + U
    d) Ctrl + S
    (उत्तर: b) Ctrl + I (Correct)

14. Writer में पेज ब्रेक कैसे डाला जाता है?
    a) Ctrl + Enter
    b) Ctrl + Shift + Enter
    c) Ctrl + Space
    d) Ctrl + Shift + Space
    (उत्तर: a) Ctrl + Enter (Correct)

15. Writer में पेज को प्रिंट करने के लिए कौनसा बटन उपयोग किया जाता है?
    a) लेफ्ट एलाइनमेंट
    b) सेंटर एलाइनमेंट
    c) राइट एलाइनमेंट
    d) जस्टिफाइड एलाइनमेंट
    (उत्तर: b) सेंटर एलाइनमेंट (Correct)

16. Writer में टेक्स्ट को अंडरलाइन कैसे किया जाता है?
    a) Ctrl + B
    b) Ctrl + I
    c) Ctrl + U
    d) Ctrl + S
    (उत्तर: c) Ctrl + U (Correct)

17. Writer में निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा टूल टेक्स्ट को बोल्ड, इटैलिक और अंडरलाइन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?
    a) टेक्स्ट टूलबार
    b) आवृत्ति टूलबार

    c) सूची टूलबार
    d) विन्यास टूलबार
    (उत्तर: a) टेक्स्ट टूलबार (Correct)

18. Writer में टेक्स्ट को बदले बिना फॉरमेट कैसे किया जाता है?
    a) Ctrl + Space
    b) Ctrl + M
    c) Ctrl + Q
    d) Ctrl + T
    (उत्तर: a) Ctrl + Space (Correct)

19. Writer में टेक्स्ट को ग्रामर और शब्द सुधार करने के लिए कौनसा टूल उपयोग किया जाता है?
    a) थेसॉरस
    b) वर्ड काउंट
    c) ऑटोकोरेक्ट
    d) उपरांत
    (उत्तर: c) ऑटोकोरेक्ट (Correct)

20. Writer में एक बार में कितने फ़ॉर्मेट्स कोपी हो सकती है?
    a) 1
    b) 5
    c) 10
    d) असीमित
    (उत्तर: d) असीमित (Correct)

21. Writer में पेज मार्जिन कैसे सेट किया जाता है?
    a) टूल्स → मार्जिन
    b) फ़ाइल → मार्जिन
    c) विज़नु → मार्जिन
    d) सेटिंग्स → मार्जिन
    (उत्तर: a) टूल्स → मार्जिन (Correct)

22. Writer में पेज का ओरिएंटेशन कैसे बदला जाता है?
    a) टूल्स → ओरिएंटेशन
    b) फ़ाइल → ओरिएंटेशन
    c) विज़नु → ओरिएंटेशन
    d) सेटिंग्स → ओरिएंटेशन
    (उत्तर: a) टूल्स → ओरिएंटेशन (Correct)

23. Writer में पेज के लिए बैकग्राउ

ंड कलर कैसे सेट किया जाता है?
    a) टूल्स → विन्यास
    b) फ़ाइल → विन्यास
    c) विज़नु → विन्यास
    d) सेटिंग्स → विन्यास
    (उत्तर: a) टूल्स → विन्यास (Correct)

24. Writer में शीर्षक कैसे दिखाया जाता है?
    a) टूल्स → शीर्षक
    b) फ़ाइल → शीर्षक
    c) विज़नु → शीर्षक
    d) सेटिंग्स → शीर्षक
    (उत्तर: a) टूल्स → शीर्षक (Correct)

25. Writer में नए पैराग्राफ के लिए कौनसा बटन उपयोग किया जाता है?
    a) परिवर्तन रेखा
    b) ग्राउंड रेखा
    c) अद्यतन रेखा
    d) प्रविष्टि रेखा
    (उत्तर: d) प्रविष्टि रेखा (Correct)

26. Writer में टेक्स्ट को ऊपर की ओर कैसे स्क्रॉल किया जाता है?
    a) Page Up
    b) Page Down
    c) Home
    d) End
    (उत्तर: a) Page Up (Correct)

27. Writer में टेक्स्ट को नीचे की ओर कैसे स्क्रॉल किया जाता है?
    a) Page Up
    b) Page Down
    c) Home
    d) End
    (उत्तर: b) Page Down (Correct)

28. Writer में टेक्स्ट को दूसरे फ़ॉरमेट में कैसे पेस्ट किया जाता है?
    a) Ctrl + V
    b) Ctrl + X
    c) Ctrl + C
    d) Ctrl + Shift + V
    (उत्तर: d) Ctrl + Shift + V (Correct)

Libre Office Writer Question and Answer For CCC Examination 

Q. 1. निम्न में से कौन सा फाइल एक्सटेंशन ओपन ऑफिस राइटर से संबंधित नहीं है?
a) .txt
b) .doc
c) .sxw
d) .csv

Ans: d)

Q. 2. Libreoffice में वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग क्या है?
a) Draw
b) Impress
c) Calc
d) Writer

Ans: d)

Q. 3. Libreoffice में स्प्रेडशीट क्या है?
a) Draw
b) Impress
c) Calc
d) Writer

Ans: c)

Q. 4. Libreoffice में पावर पॉइंट को किस नाम से जाना जाता है?
a) Draw
b) Impress
c) Calc
d) Writer

Ans: b)

Q. 5. Libreoffice क्या है?
a) एक कंपनी जो ऑफिस सॉफ्टवेयर बेचती है
b) एक छवि संपादन सॉफ्टवेयर
c) एक कार्यालय उत्पादकता सॉफ्टवेयर
d) एक संगठन

Ans: c)

Q. 6. Libreoffice सॉफ्टवेयर चला सकते हैं?
a) MAC Os X पर (
b) लिनक्स मशीन पर
c) विंडोज सिस्टम पर
d) लिनक्स, विंडोज और मैक सिस्टम पर

Ans: d)

Q. 7. Libreoffice Calc के सेल के अंदर एक नई लाइन या पैराग्राफ बनाने के लिए कंट्रोल के साथ कौन सी कुंजी का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है?
a) Shift
b) Alt
c) Tab
d) Enter

Ans: d)

Q. 8. Libreoffice Writer स्टेटस बार में निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा प्रदर्शित नहीं होता है?
a) कुल वर्ण
b) वर्तमान पृष्ठ संख्या
c) शब

्दों की कुल संख्या
d) कंप्यूटर का नाम

Ans: d)

Q. 9. Libreoffice Impress सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग क्या करने के लिए किया जाता है?
a) छवि संपादन
b) स्लाइड शो बनाना
c) स्प्रेडशीट बनाना
d) वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग

Ans: b)

Q. 10. Libreoffice Draw का उपयोग क्या करने के लिए किया जाता है?
a) छवि संपादन
b) स्लाइड शो बनाना
c) स्प्रेडशीट बनाना
d) वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग

Ans: a)

Q. 11. Libreoffice Writer में पेज ब्रेक डालने के लिए कीबोर्ड संयोजन क्या है?
a) Shift + A
b) Tab
c) Ctrl + Enter
d) Ctrl + C

Ans: c)

Q. 12. Libreoffice Writer में टेंपलेट के लिए फाइल एक्सटेंशन है?
a) .odp
b) .odt
c) .ott
d) .doc

Ans: c)

Q. 13. Libreoffice Impress के स्लाइड शो में नए स्लाइड जोड़ने के लिए कीबोर्ड संयोजन क्या है?
a) Shift + A
b) Tab
c) Ctrl + Enter
d) Ctrl + C

Ans: c)

Q. 14. Libreoffice Calc में सूत्र या फॉर्मूला डालने के लिए कौन-सा सिंबल का उपयोग किया जाता है?
a) %
b) #
c) @
d) =

Ans: d)

17 June 2023

Independence Day Speech For Student in Hindi

 स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर भाषण: आजादी की उम्मीदों की पराकाष्ठा

सभी माननीय अतिथियों, विद्यार्थियों, शिक्षकों, और मेरे प्यारे देशवासियों को नमस्कार।

आज हम सब मिलकर एक ऐतिहासिक पल का जश्न मनाने के लिए यहां इकट्ठे हुए हैं - आजादी के दिन के अवसर पर हमें गर्व का अनुभव हो रहा है। भारतीय इतिहास में आजादी दिवस का एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है, जो हमें याद दिलाता है कि हमारे पूर्वजों ने कितना संघर्ष किया और बलिदान किया था ताकि हम आज इस स्वतंत्रता का आनंद उठा सकें।

हमारा देश, भारत, एक ऐसा देश है जिसमें अनेक जातियों, धर्मों, भाषाओं और संस्कृतियों का विविधतापूर्ण समावेश है। हमारी संघर्ष भरी इतिहास के बावजूद, हम एकता और अखंडता में अपने विभिन्नताओं को संजोकर रखते हैं। आज हम सभी मिलकर यहां उपस्थित हैं क्योंकि हम भारत की स्वतंत्रता और एकता को मनाने के लिए एक साथ आए हैं।

आजादी का अर्थ है स्वतंत्रता और आज़ादी का हक़ हर व्यक्ति को समान रूप से मिलना चाहिए। हमारे स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों ने दिन रात मेहनत करके हमारी आज़ादी की लड़ाई लड़ी और अपनी जानों की आहुति दी। हमें इन सब सपूतों को सदैव याद रखना चाहिए और उनकी संघर्षों को सम्मान देना चाहिए।

भारतीय संविधान में हमारे अधिकारों की संरक्षा की गारंटी दी गई है। यह हमारी आज़ादी और विचारधारा का आदान-प्रदान है। हमें अपने देश की संविधानिक अधिकारों की समझ होनी चाहिए और उनका सम्मान करना चाहिए। हमारा कर्तव्य है कि हम देशभक्ति और सामरिक भावना के साथ अपने अधिकारों का सदुपयोग करें और देश के विकास में योगदान दें।

आजादी का दिन एक शपथ लेने का भी दिन है। हमें अपने कर्तव्यों के प्रति सचेत रहना चाहिए और अपने देश के प्रति समर्पित रहना चाहिए। हमें एक उदार मनस्था के साथ अपने साथी देशवासियों के प्रति प्यार और सम्मान दिखाना चाहिए।

आज, भारत को एक मजबूत और समृद्ध राष्ट्र क रूप में आगे बढ़ाने का समय है। हमें देश के सामरिक और आर्थिक विकास में योगदान देना चाहिए। हमें तकनीकी प्रगति, वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, और ग्रामीण विकास पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना चाहिए।

मेरे प्यारे साथी देशवासियों, आज आप सभी के सामरिक और राष्ट्रभक्ति भाव की ज़रूरत है। हमें अपनी देशभक्ति को परिपक्वता से देखना चाहिए। हमें समय-समय पर अपनी सोच और आचरण को संशोधित करने की आवश्यकता है और राष्ट्रीय हित में योगदान करने के लिए सक्रिय होना चाहिए।

आज हम सबको याद रखना चाहिए कि आजादी दिवस एक मात्र उत्सव नहीं है, बल्कि एक समर्पण का दिन है। हमें अपने देश के प्रति समर्पित रहकर उसकी स्थापना करनी है और एक सशक्त और विकसित भारत के सपने को पूरा करना है।

आइए हम सब मिलकर संकल्प लें कि हम आपसी एकता, सद्भाव, और सामरिक भावना के साथ अपने देश की प्रगति में योगदान देंगे। हम अपने देश के

 महान वीरों को सलाम करेंगे और उनकी आत्मा को शांति देंगे। हम आजादी का महत्व और इसकी महत्त्वपूर्णता को सदैव याद रखेंगे।

धन्यवाद, जय हिन्द!

2. स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर छात्रों के लिए कॉलेज में स्वतंत्रता दिवस की भाषण

सभी महानुभावों और प्रिय मित्रों को नमस्कार!

मैं आज यहां आप सभी के सामने खड़ा हूं, क्योंकि आज हम सभी मिलकर एक ऐसे महान और गर्व की बात करने जा रहे हैं जो हमारे देश के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है - स्वतंत्रता दिवस।

स्वतंत्रता दिवस देश भर में खुशी का एक महोत्सव है। हर साल 15 अगस्त को हम यह दिन मनाते हैं जब हमारा देश आजाद हुआ था। यह दिन हमें याद दिलाता है कि हमारे पूर्वजों ने कितनी मेहनत और संघर्ष के बाद हमें एक आज़ाद देश में जीने का अवसर प्रदान किया। यह दिन हमें उन सभी वीरों को समर्पित है जिन्होंने अपना जीवन देश की सेवा में समर्पित कर दिया।

स्वतंत्रता दिवस के इस अवसर पर हमें अपने देश की महानता को स्मरण करना चाहिए। हमारा देश एक विविधतापूर्ण राष्ट्र है, जहां अनेक भाषाएँ, धर्म और संस्कृतियाँ मिलकर एकता का प्रतीक हैं। हमें गर्व होना चाहिए कि हम एक ऐसे देश में रहते हैं जहां सभी लोग एक साथ विकास और सफलता की ओर प्रगति कर रहे हैं।

स्वतंत्रता के महान संकल्प को मजबूत बनाने के लिए, हमें अपने कर्तव्यों को निभाना चाहिए। हमें एक उच्च शिक्षा की ओर अपने कदम बढ़ाने की आवश्यकता है। हमें अपने अध्ययन को मजबूती से पकड़ना चाहिए और अपने सपनों को पूरा करने के लिए मेहनत करनी चाहिए। हमें अपने क्षेत्र में योग्यता और नौकरी के अवसरों का उपयोग करना चाहिए।

यदि हम स्वतंत्रता के महान आदर्शों को सत्यापित करना चाहते हैं, तो हमें भ्रष्टाचार, जातिवाद, अस्वीकार्यता और विविधता के खिलाफ लड़ना होगा। हमें समाज में संघर्ष करने और उसे बदलने की ज़रूरत है। हमारी युवा पीढ़ी को देश की सेवा में सक्रिय रूप से शामिल होना चाहिए।

आज, हम सभी को अपने देश के प्रति प्रेम और समर्पण का वचन देना चाहिए। हमें देशहित में अपना योगदान देना चाहिए। हमें यह समझना चाहिए कि हमारा देश हमारी माता है और हमें इसका सम्मान करना चाहिए।

संगठनशीलता, दृढ़ता और निष्ठा के साथ हम स्वतंत्रता के आदर्शों को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। हमें यहां निरंतर एकता और सहयोग का पालन करना चाहिए। हम सभी मिलकर अपने देश की उन्नति में योगदान कर सकते हैं।

इस स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर, हमें यह समझना चाहिए कि हमारा देश हमेशा हमारे साथ है और हमेशा हमारी समर्थन करेगा। हमें यह भी याद रखना चाहिए कि स्वतंत्रता की कीमत हमें अपने अगले पीढ़ी को सिखानी होगी।

आइए, हम सभी एक बार फिर स्वतंत्रता के वादे को ताजगी देते हैं और अपने देश के विकास में अपना योगदान देते हैं। हम सभी मिलकर एक मजबूत और सशक्त भारत निर्माण करेंगे।

धन्यवाद और जय हिंद!

15 June 2023

Bihar Police Recruitment 2023 Apply online

 Bihar Police Recruitment 2023: Opportunities Await Aspiring Constables

The Bihar Police Central Selection Board of Constables (CSBC) has released a recruitment notification, inviting applications for the position of Constable. This recruitment drive aims to fill 21,391 vacancies in the Bihar Police, Bihar Special Armed Police, and other units. Aspiring candidates can seize this opportunity and apply online from June 20, 2023, to July 20, 2023.

Let's delve into the details of the Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023:

Name of the Post: Constable

Total Vacancies: 21,391

Age Limit for Bihar Police Constable:

- Minimum Age: 18 years

- Maximum Age: 25 years

- Age relaxation as per Government rules

Salary for Bihar Police Constable:

Selected candidates will be placed in Pay Level 3 with a salary range of ₹21,700 to ₹69,100.

Eligibility Criteria for Bihar Police Constable:

Candidates must have completed Senior Secondary/10+2/Matriculation with a pass in the 12th class from a recognized board (as of August 1, 2022).

Selection Process for Bihar Police Constable:

The selection process for the Bihar Police Constable recruitment consists of the following stages:

1. Written Examination

2. Physical Standard Test

3. Physical Efficiency Test

4. Documents Verification

Physical Standards for Bihar Police Constable:

- Height: 

  - Male (General/BC): 165 cm

  - Male (EBC/SC/ST): 160 cm

  - Female (All Categories): 155 cm

- Chest:

  - Male (Gen/BC/EBC): 81 – 86 cm

  - Male (SC/ST): 79 – 84 cm

Physical Efficiency Test:

- Running:

  - Male: 1.6 km in 6 minutes

  - Female: 1 km in 5 minutes

Application Fee for Bihar Police Constable:

- Open Category: ₹1,000/-

- Reserved Category: ₹900/-

How to Apply for Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023:

1. Eligible candidates should apply online through the official website of Bihar CSBC ( starting from June 20, 2023.

2. Fill in the required basic, personal, and educational details in the application form.

3. Upload relevant documents, including a recent photograph, signature, and qualification certificates.

4. The last date for online application registration is July 20, 2023.

Age Limit for Bihar Police Recruitment 2023:

- General: 20 to 37 years

- EWS: 20 to 37 years

- BC/EBC: 20 to 40 years

- SC/ST: 20 to 42 years

- Transgender of Bihar State: 20 to 42 years

This recruitment drive by the Bihar Police presents a golden opportunity for individuals aspiring to join the esteemed police force. It is essential for interested candidates to carefully go through the eligibility criteria and follow the application process accordingly. Aspiring constables must prepare themselves for the rigorous selection process, which includes written examinations, physical tests, and document verification.

Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 is an opportunity for dedicated individuals to contribute to maintaining law and order in the state. The Bihar Police plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of citizens, and joining the force allows individuals to serve the community.

Interested candidates should seize this opportunity to pursue a career in law enforcement and play an active role in upholding justice and protecting society. With diligent preparation and dedication, aspiring constables can secure a position in the Bihar Police and embark

 on a fulfilling career in public service.

NEET Toppers List 2023

 NEET Toppers List 2023: Celebrating Excellence in Medical Entrance Examinations

The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is one of the most prestigious medical entrance examinations in India. Conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), NEET serves as the gateway for aspiring medical and dental students to secure admissions into top-tier colleges across the country. Every year, lakhs of students compete fiercely to secure a coveted seat in the medical field.

The NTA has recently announced the NEET Toppers List for the year 2023, unveiling the names of the brightest minds who have excelled in this highly competitive examination. These toppers have showcased their exceptional skills, knowledge, and dedication to emerge victorious among a pool of talented aspirants. Let us take a closer look at the NEET Toppers List 2023 and celebrate their remarkable achievements.

Topping the charts and securing the All India Rank 1 are Prabanjan J, a talented young individual from Tamil Nadu, and Bora Varun Chakravarthi, an outstanding aspirant hailing from Andhra Pradesh. Both of them have achieved a perfect score of 720 out of 720, a remarkable feat that reflects their exemplary preparation and unwavering determination. Their names will be forever etched in the history of NEET as they join the league of previous year's toppers who have made their mark in the medical field.

Here is the detailed list of NEET Toppers for the year 2023:

1. Prabanjan J - AIR 1, Tamil Nadu (General Category)

2. Bora Varun Chakravarthi - AIR 1, Andhra Pradesh (OBC-NCL Category)

3. Kaustav Bauri - AIR 3, Tamil Nadu (SC Category)

4. Pranjal Aggarwal - AIR 4, Punjab (General Category)

5. Dhruv Advani - AIR 5, Karnataka (General Category)

6. Surya Siddharth N - AIR 6, Tamil Nadu (OBC-NCL Category)

7. Shriniketh Ravi - AIR 7, Maharashtra (General Category)

8. Swayam Shakti Tripathy - AIR 8, Odisha (General Category)

9. Varun S - AIR 9, Tamil Nadu (OBC-NCL Category)

10. Parth Khandelwal - AIR 10, Rajasthan (General Category)

...and so on.

These talented individuals have not only secured exceptional marks but have also achieved remarkable percentiles, demonstrating their comprehensive understanding of the subjects and their ability to outperform their peers. Their hard work, perseverance, and dedication have paid off, and they serve as an inspiration to countless aspiring medical students across the nation.

It is important to acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices these toppers have made throughout their NEET preparation journey. The sleepless nights, countless hours of studying, and the ability to remain focused amidst intense pressure deserve immense appreciation. Their success stories remind us of the importance of determination, discipline, and consistent effort in achieving our goals.

As the NEET toppers embark on this new chapter of their lives, it is crucial to recognize that their achievements are not merely personal victories but also a testament to the robust education system, the guidance of teachers and mentors, and the unwavering support of their families. Their success reflects the collective efforts of an entire ecosystem that has nurtured and shaped their academic journeys.

In the coming days, we eagerly await interviews and insights from these NEET toppers, hoping to learn from their experiences, study techniques, and strategies that propelled them to the pinnacle of success. Their stories will undoubtedly inspire future generations of medical aspirants, instilling in them the belief

 that with dedication and hard work, they too can achieve their dreams.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the NEET toppers of 2023 for their outstanding performance and wish them a bright and successful future in the field of medicine. May their achievements serve as a beacon of hope and motivation to all aspiring medical professionals.

NEET Toppers List 2023: Celebrating the Achievements of Medical Aspirants

The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is one of the most prestigious medical entrance examinations in India. Every year, lakhs of students compete for a limited number of seats in medical and dental colleges across the country. The NEET toppers are a source of inspiration for aspiring medical students, showcasing their hard work, dedication, and exceptional academic abilities.

The recently announced NEET toppers for the year 2023 have once again set the bar high with their outstanding performances. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the names of the toppers, along with their All India Ranks (AIR), percentile scores, and marks obtained. These toppers have not only secured top ranks but have also achieved perfect scores, making their achievements even more remarkable.

Leading the NEET topper list for 2023 are Prabanjan J from Tamil Nadu and Bora Varun Chakravarthi from Andhra Pradesh, both securing AIR 1 with a perfect score of 720 out of 720. Their exceptional performance showcases their in-depth knowledge and comprehensive preparation for the examination.

Let's take a closer look at the NEET topper list for 2023:

1. Prabanjan J: Prabanjan J, a male candidate from Tamil Nadu, secured AIR 1 with a perfect score of 720. He belongs to the General category and achieved a percentile score of 99.999999.

2. Bora Varun Chakravarthi: Another male candidate, Bora Varun Chakravarthi from Andhra Pradesh, also secured AIR 1 with a perfect score of 720. He belongs to the OBC-NCL category and achieved a percentile score of 99.999999.

The list further includes other talented individuals who have excelled in the NEET 2023 examination. These toppers have showcased their brilliance in various categories and come from different states across India. It is worth noting that gender diversity is prevalent among the toppers, with both male and female candidates securing top ranks.

The NEET topper list is not only a recognition of academic excellence but also an inspiration for aspiring medical students. These toppers have proven that with determination, hard work, and effective preparation strategies, one can achieve remarkable results in this highly competitive examination.

As we congratulate the NEET toppers for their outstanding achievements, it is important to acknowledge the efforts they have put in to reach this milestone. Their success stories serve as a reminder that perseverance and dedication are key ingredients for success in any field.

In the coming days, interviews and profiles of the NEET toppers will provide valuable insights into their preparation strategies, study techniques, and future aspirations. Aspiring medical students can learn from their experiences and adopt effective methods to enhance their own chances of success.

The NEET topper list for 2023 reflects the talent and potential present in our country's youth. These individuals represent the future of the medical profession and will contribute significantly to healthcare and scientific advancements.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the NEET toppers for their remarkable achievements and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. May their journeys inspire countless others to strive for excellence in their pursuit of a career in medicine.

Web Designing and Publishing (M2-R5.1): A Comprehensive Syllabus

 Web Designing and Publishing (M2-R5.1): A Comprehensive Syllabus


Web design plays a crucial role in creating engaging and interactive websites that cater to the needs of users. In the digital era, where the internet has become an integral part of our lives, having a strong foundation in web designing and publishing is essential for aspiring IT professionals. The syllabus for Web Designing and Publishing (M2-R5.1) covers various aspects of web design, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS, photo editing, and web publishing. This article will provide a detailed overview of the syllabus, highlighting the key topics and concepts that students will learn throughout the course.

(i) Introduction to Web Design:

The syllabus begins with an introduction to web design, providing an overview of the internet, the World Wide Web (WWW), websites, webpages, and the distinction between front end and back end development. Students will learn about client and server scripting languages and the concept of responsive web designing. The syllabus also covers the different types of websites, including static and dynamic websites.

(ii) Editors:

To effectively create and edit web files, students will be introduced to various text editors like Notepad++ and Sublime Text Editor. They will learn how to download and use these editors for file creation, editing, and saving.

(iii) HTML Basics:

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the backbone of web design. In this section, students will learn the basics of HTML, including the structure of an HTML document, the head section and its elements, formatting tags such as bold, italic, underline, and strikethrough. They will also gain knowledge about anchor links, named anchors, image tags, paragraphs, comments, tables, lists, forms, and frames. The syllabus also covers HTML5 elements, form validations, multimedia embedding, and iframe usage.

(iv) CSS:

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is crucial for web design, as it determines the visual appearance and layout of webpages. Students will learn the fundamentals of CSS, including its types, selectors (such as universal, ID, tag, class, sub, and attribute selectors), and various CSS properties. They will explore CSS for backgrounds, blocks, boxes, lists, borders, positioning, tables, menu design, and image galleries.

(v) CSS Framework:

To enhance their web development skills, students will be introduced to the W3.CSS framework. They will learn about its features, including colors, containers, panels, borders, fonts, text, tables, lists, images, and grids. The W3.CSS framework provides pre-designed CSS styles and layouts that facilitate the development of responsive and visually appealing websites.

(vi) JavaScript and Angular JS:

Client-side scripting languages add interactivity to webpages. Students will learn the basics of JavaScript, including variables, operators, conditional statements, popup boxes, and events. Additionally, they will gain an introduction to Angular JS, covering expressions, modules, and directives. Angular JS is a popular JavaScript framework used for building dynamic web applications.

(vii) Photo Editor:

Photo editing is an essential skill for enhancing visual elements on websites. Students will learn about various photo editing tools, including selection tools, paint tools, transform tools, text tools, layers, brightness/contrast adjustments, color and tone improvements, and filters. These skills will enable students to optimize and modify images for use in web design projects.

(viii) Web Publishing and Browsing:

Understanding the fundamentals of web publishing and browsing is crucial for web designers. Students will gain knowledge about SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), web hosting basics, document interchange standards, components of web publishing, document management, web page design considerations and principles, and search engines. They will also explore web publishing tools

 and learn about the World Wide Web (WWW), browsers, and HTTP.

In conclusion, the syllabus for Web Designing and Publishing (M2-R5.1) covers a comprehensive range of topics that are essential for aspiring web designers and developers. By mastering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS, and photo editing techniques, students will acquire the skills necessary to create visually appealing and interactive websites. Additionally, the syllabus covers web publishing fundamentals, enabling students to effectively manage and publish their web projects. With a strong foundation in web design and publishing, students will be well-prepared to enter the dynamic field of web development and contribute to the ever-evolving digital landscape.

O Level Examination Admit Card July 2023

O Level Examination Admit Card July 2023

The National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) has released the admit card for the O Level Examination July 2023. The exam will be conducted on July 22, 2023, at various centers across India.

The admit card can be downloaded from the NIELIT website. To download the admit card, candidates need to login to their account using their registration number and password. The admit card will contain the candidate's name, registration number, date of birth, exam center, and other important details.

Candidates are advised to carry their admit card to the exam center on the day of the exam. The admit card is a mandatory document for appearing in the exam. Candidates who do not have their admit card will not be allowed to appear in the exam.

The O Level Examination is a computer-based test. The exam will consist of multiple-choice questions. The duration of the exam is 2 hours. The exam will be conducted in English and Hindi.

The O Level Examination is a basic level examination in computer science. The exam covers topics such as computer fundamentals, data structures, algorithms, programming languages, and operating systems.

The O Level Examination is a good option for candidates who want to learn the basics of computer science. The exam can also help candidates in getting a job in the IT industry.

How to download the admit card?

To download the admit card, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the NIELIT website.
  2. Click on the "Examinations" tab.
  3. Click on the "O Level Examination July 2023" link.
  4. Click on the "Download Admit Card" link.
  5. Login to your account using your registration number and password.
  6. Click on the "Download" button.

Important instructions

  • Candidates are advised to carry their admit card to the exam center on the day of the exam.
  • The admit card is a mandatory document for appearing in the exam.
  • Candidates who do not have their admit card will not be allowed to appear in the exam.
  • Candidates are advised to reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • Candidates are not allowed to bring any electronic devices, such as mobile phones, calculators, or smartwatches, to the exam center.
  • Candidates are advised to wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
  • Candidates are advised to eat a light breakfast on the day of the exam.


The syllabus for the O Level Examination is as follows:

  • Computer Fundamentals
  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms
  • Programming Languages
  • Operating Systems

Marking scheme

The O Level Examination will be a computer-based test. The exam will consist of multiple-choice questions. Each question will carry 1 mark. The total marks for the exam are 100.

Passing criteria

To pass the O Level Examination, candidates need to score at least 40% marks.


The results for the O Level Examination will be declared on the NIELIT website. Candidates can check their results by logging in to their account.

Recommended resources

  • NIELIT website
  • NIELIT study materials
  • Online courses
  • Tutorials
  • Books


The O Level Examination is a good option for candidates who want to learn the basics of computer science. The exam can also help candidates in getting a job in the IT industry.

O Level First Paper - Information Technology Tools and Network Basics (M1-R5.1) Practical Examination Questions with answer

 O Level First Paper - Information Technology Tools and Network Basics (M1-R5.1)

Practical Examination Questions with answer 

In the O Level Information Technology Tools and Network Basics course, students are required to demonstrate their practical skills and knowledge in various IT tasks. This article will provide a detailed explanation of the practical examination questions for this paper.

Question (i) - Settings

a. Display pointer trails: To enable pointer trails, go to the Control Panel, click on "Mouse," go to the "Pointer Options" tab, and check the box that says "Display pointer trails."

b. Change the normal pointer of a mouse to another pointer: To change the mouse pointer, go to the Control Panel, click on "Mouse," go to the "Pointers" tab, and select a different pointer from the list provided.

c. Set the date advanced by 2 months: To change the date, right-click on the date and time in the taskbar, select "Adjust date/time," and manually change the month by adding 2 months to the current date.

d. Reset the system date & time: To reset the system date and time, right-click on the date and time in the taskbar, select "Adjust date/time," and click on the "Set time automatically" and "Set time zone automatically" options.

e. Set the system time late by 2 hrs: 40 minutes: To change the system time, right-click on the date and time in the taskbar, select "Adjust date/time," and manually add 2 hours and 40 minutes to the current time.

f. Set the Yesterday date and time in your Operating System: To set the date and time to yesterday's values, right-click on the date and time in the taskbar, select "Adjust date/time," and manually change the date to the previous day.

Question (ii) - Miscellaneous Tasks

a. Interchange the functions of left and right mouse buttons: To interchange the functions, go to the Control Panel, click on "Mouse," go to the "Buttons" tab, and check the box that says "Switch primary and secondary buttons."

b. Change the wallpaper of your computer and set it to a paintbrush file made by you: To change the wallpaper, right-click on the desktop, select "Personalize," go to the "Background" settings, and browse for the paintbrush file you created.

c. Change the screen saver of your computer and change it to 'marquee': To change the screen saver, right-click on the desktop, select "Personalize," go to the "Screen Saver" settings, and select the 'marquee' screen saver from the list.

d. Set your name as the text, and wait time should be 2 minutes: To set your name as the text in the screen saver, go to the "Screen Saver" settings, select the desired screen saver, and customize the text options to enter your name. Set the wait time to 2 minutes.

Question (iii) - Creating Folders

a. NIELIT on desktop: Right-click on the desktop, select "New," and choose "Folder." Rename the folder as "NIELIT."

b. R1 on the c: i.e., root: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the C: drive, right-click, select "New," and choose "Folder." Rename the folder as "R1."

c. D2 on desktop: Right-click on the desktop, select "New," and choose "Folder." Rename the folder as "D2."

d. R2 on the c:: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the C: drive, right-click, select "New," and choose "Folder." Rename the folder as "R2."

e. Create

 a folder NIELIT-1 under the D1 folder: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the D1 folder, right-click, select "New," and choose "Folder." Rename the folder as "NIELIT-1."

f. Create a folder D2-1 under the D2 folder: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the D2 folder, right-click, select "New," and choose "Folder." Rename the folder as "D2-1."

g. Copy this D2-1 folder and paste it under R1 folder: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the D2-1 folder, right-click, select "Copy." Navigate to the R1 folder, right-click, and select "Paste."

h. Delete the folder D2-1 from R1 folder: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the R1 folder, right-click on the D2-1 folder, and select "Delete."

i. Create the folder R1-1 under R1 folder: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the R1 folder, right-click, select "New," and choose "Folder." Rename the folder as "R1-1."

j. Copy R1-1 folder under the R2 folder: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the R1-1 folder, right-click, select "Copy." Navigate to the R2 folder, right-click, and select "Paste."

k. Rename folder R1-1 under R2 folder as 'subfolder of R2': Open the File Explorer, navigate to the R2 folder, right-click on the R1-1 folder, select "Rename," and change the name to "subfolder of R2."

l. From the C: copy all files to folder R2: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the C: drive, select all the files, right-click, select "Copy." Navigate to the R2 folder, right-click, and select "Paste."

m. Delete all the files from the folder R2: Open the File Explorer, navigate to the R2 folder, select all the files, right-click, and select "Delete."

n. Recover all the deleted files: To recover deleted files, right-click on the Recycle Bin, select "Restore all items."

Question (iv) - Document Formatting in Word

Create a document in Word on a topic of your choice. Format the document with various fonts (minimum 10, maximum 12) and margins (minimum 1.5, maximum 3). The document should include:

a. A bulleted or numbered list: Select the text, click on the "Bullets" or "Numbering" button in the Home tab.

b. A table containing name, address, basic pay, department as column headings: Click on the "Table" button in the Insert tab and choose the desired number of rows and columns. Enter the column headings and fill in the table with the appropriate information.

c. A picture of a lion using clip art gallery: Click on the "Insert" tab, click on "Clip Art," search for "lion," and select a suitable image to insert into the document.

d. An example of word art: Click on the "Insert" tab, click on "WordArt," choose a WordArt style, and enter the desired text.

e. A header with student name & date: Double-click on the top margin of the document to open the header section. Enter the student name and date in the header area.

f. A footer with pagination: Double-click on the bottom margin of the document to open the footer section. Click on the "Page Number" button in the Insert tab and choose the desired pagination style.

Question (v) - Manipulating Text in a Document


 a document with the given text and save it as "First":

"A Read-only Memory is a memory unit that performs the read operation only; it does not have a write capability. This implies that binary information stored in a ROM is made permanent during the hardware production of the unit and cannot be altered by writing different words into it. Whereas a RAM is a general-purpose device whose contents can be altered during the computational process, a ROM is restricted to reading words that are permanently stored within the unit. The binary information to be stored specified by the designer is then embedded in the unit to form the required interconnection pattern."

a. Count the occurrences of the word "ROM" in the above document: Use the Find feature (Ctrl+F) to search for the word "ROM" and note the number of occurrences.

b. Replace ROM with Read Only Memory in the entire document: Use the Find and Replace feature (Ctrl+H) to replace "ROM" with "Read Only Memory" throughout the document.

c. Underline the text Read Only Memory: Select the text "Read Only Memory," click on the "Underline" button in the Home tab.

d. Make an autocorrect entry for ROM, and it should be replaced by Read Only Memory: Go to the File tab, click on "Options," select "Proofing," click on "AutoCorrect Options," enter "ROM" in the "Replace" field and "Read Only Memory" in the "With" field, click on "Add," and then click on "OK."

Question (vi) - Formatting Text in a Document

Use the file "First" to perform the following operations:

a. Make the first line of the document bold: Select the first line of the document, click on the "Bold" button in the Home tab.

b. Make the second line italic: Select the second line of the document, click on the "Italic" button in the Home tab.

c. Underline the third line: Select the third line of the document, click on the "Underline" button in the Home tab.

d. Align the fourth line to center: Select the fourth line of the document, click on the "Center" alignment button in the Home tab.

e. Make the font color of the first line red: Select the first line of the document, click on the "Font Color" button in the Home tab, and choose red as the color.

f. Change the font style of the fifth line to Arial: Select the fifth line of the document, click on the "Font" dropdown menu in the Home tab, and choose Arial as the font style.

g. Change the second line to 18 points: Select the second line of the document, click on the "Font Size" dropdown menu in the Home tab, and choose 18 points.

h. Insert the date & time at the start of the document: Place the cursor at the beginning of the document, click on the "Insert" tab, click on "Date & Time," and choose the desired format.

Question (vii) - Page Setting in a Document

Use the document saved earlier and perform the page settings as follows:

a. Top Margin 1.3": Click on the "Page Layout" tab, click on the "Margins" dropdown menu, and choose "Custom Margins." Set the top margin to 1.3".

b. Bottom margin 1.4": Set the bottom margin to 1.4" in the same "Custom Margins" dialog box.

c. Left margin 1.30": Set the left margin to 1.30" in the "Custom Margins" dialog box.

d. Right margin 1.30": Set the right margin to 1.30" in the "Custom

 Margins" dialog box.

e. Gutter margin 1.2": Set the gutter margin to 1.2" in the "Custom Margins" dialog box.

f. Header 0.7": Set the header margin to 0.7" in the "Custom Margins" dialog box.

g. Footer 0.7": Set the footer margin to 0.7" in the "Custom Margins" dialog box.

h. Paper size executive: Click on the "Page Layout" tab, click on the "Size" dropdown menu, and choose "Executive" as the paper size.

i. Orientation landscape: Click on the "Page Layout" tab, click on the "Orientation" button, and choose "Landscape" as the page orientation.

By following these instructions, students will be able to demonstrate their practical skills and knowledge in performing various IT tasks related to settings, folder management, document formatting, text manipulation, and page settings. Remember to practice these tasks thoroughly before the examination to ensure a successful outcome. Good luck!

NIELIT O Level Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5)

 NIELIT O Level Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5)


The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming various industries and opening up new opportunities. The NIELIT O Level Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5) provides a comprehensive overview of IoT concepts, applications, protocols, and communication models. This syllabus aims to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and work with IoT technologies effectively.

(i) Introduction to Internet of Things – Applications/Devices, Protocols, and Communication Model

The syllabus begins with an introduction to the Internet of Things, where learners will explore the characteristics of devices and applications within the IoT ecosystem. They will gain insights into the building blocks of IoT, including the various technologies that make up the IoT ecosystem. The syllabus also covers IoT levels, design methodologies, and the physical and logical design aspects of IoT. Learners will be introduced to the functional blocks of IoT and the communication models used in IoT. Additionally, they will learn about the development tools commonly used in IoT projects.

(ii) Things and Connections

In this section, learners will delve into the working of controlled systems and real-time systems with feedback loops. They will understand how connectivity models such as TCP/IP and the OSI model are utilized in IoT applications. The syllabus explores different modes of connectivity using wired and wireless methodologies. Learners will also gain an understanding of the process flow of an IoT application, from data acquisition to data processing and decision-making.

(iii) Sensors, Actuators, and Microcontrollers

Sensors play a crucial role in IoT applications as they measure physical quantities in the digital world. In this section, learners will explore different types of sensors, including light sensors, moisture sensors, and temperature sensors. Actuators, which are responsible for moving or controlling systems, will also be covered. Learners will understand the role of microcontrollers as gateways to interface sensors and actuators in IoT applications. They will compare microcontrollers with microprocessors and explore the different types of microcontrollers available in the embedded ecosystem.

(iv) Building IoT applications

This section focuses on practical aspects of building IoT applications. Learners will be introduced to the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and learn how to write code, compile, debug, and upload files to an Arduino board. The syllabus covers the basics of the Embedded 'C' language, including variables, identifiers, data types, arithmetic operators, expressions, constants, literals, and assignment.

Conditional statements and loops are essential constructs for decision-making and repetitive tasks in IoT applications. Learners will understand how to use relational operators, logical connectives, and conditional statements such as if-else statements and switch statements. They will explore different types of loops, including while loops, do-while loops, for loops, nested loops, and infinite loops. Arrays and functions will also be covered, providing learners with the skills to manipulate arrays and work with standard library functions in the Arduino IDE.

The syllabus also emphasizes the practical aspects of interfacing sensors with Arduino boards. Learners will understand the working of digital and analog pins and interface various sensors such as LED, button, DHT, LDR, MQ135, and IR. They will learn how to display data on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and interface a keypad. Serial communication, particularly using the HC-05 Bluetooth module, will be explored. Furthermore, learners will be introduced to interfacing relay modules to control and handle 220V AC supply in IoT applications.

(v) Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem

Security is a critical aspect of the IoT ecosystem, considering the vast amount

 of data being generated and transmitted. In this section, learners will understand the need for security in IoT applications and the importance of privacy for IoT-enabled devices. The syllabus covers different security levels and strategies for protecting IoT devices.

Additionally, learners will explore the future of the IoT ecosystem. They will understand the need for powerful cores to build secure algorithms and how emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are penetrating the IoT field. Examples of new trends and their impact on IoT applications will be discussed.

(vi) Soft skills - Personality Development

To complement technical skills, the syllabus includes a section on soft skills and personality development. Learners will understand the determinants of personality, such as self-awareness, motivation, and self-discipline. They will gain insights into building a positive personality and learn about gestures, self-esteem, self-motivation, time management, stress management, etiquettes, and manners.

Communication and writing skills are crucial in professional settings. This section covers objective, attributes, and categories of communication. Learners will develop writing skills for different purposes, including resumes, letters, reports, and presentations. Interview skills and body language will also be addressed to prepare learners for job interviews and professional interactions.


The NIELIT O Level Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5) provides learners with a comprehensive understanding of IoT concepts, applications, protocols, and communication models. By covering both technical and soft skills, the syllabus prepares learners to work effectively in the IoT field and fosters their professional development. With this knowledge, learners will be equipped to contribute to the growing field of IoT and leverage its potential in various industries.

Syllabus for the NIELIT O Level course on Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5

 The syllabus for the NIELIT O Level course on Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5) is as follows:

Module: Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5.1)

Duration: 120 Hours (Theory: 48 hrs, Practical: 72 hrs)

Outline of the Module:

1. Introduction to IoT – Applications/Devices, Protocols, and Communication Model

   - Duration: 4 hours (Theory), 6 hours (Practical)

   - Learning Objectives:

     - Understand various IoT applications, protocols, and architecture.

     - Understand the characteristics of IoT devices.

     - Learn about the physical design, logical design, functional blocks of IoT, and communication models.

2. Things and Connections

   - Duration: 4 hours (Theory), 6 hours (Practical)

   - Learning Objectives:

     - Understand closed loop/feedback loop systems.

     - Explore the use of sensors, actuators, and controllers in the IoT process flow.

     - Compare TCP/IP and OSI models.

     - Understand wired and wireless connectivity.

3. Sensors, Actuators, and Microcontrollers

   - Duration: 8 hours (Theory), 12 hours (Practical)

   - Learning Objectives:

     - Learn about the role of sensors and transducers in measuring physical quantities.

     - Understand the working and characteristics of actuators.

     - Explore the role and use of microcontrollers in building electronic devices.

4. Building IoT Applications

   - Duration: 20 hours (Theory), 30 hours (Practical)

   - Learning Objectives:

     - Understand the working of microcontrollers and hardware prototyping using the Arduino platform.

     - Learn the role of the "C" language in building IoT applications.

     - Study built-in data types, operators, expressions, conditional statements, loops, arrays, functions, and digital/analog pins of Arduino.

     - Learn about interfacing sensors and actuators.

     - Use the ArduBlock GUI tool.

5. Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem

   - Duration: 4 hours (Theory), 6 hours (Practical)

   - Learning Objectives:

     - Understand the need for security in IoT.

     - Learn basic concepts of security.

     - Explore different security levels.

     - Understand the need for powerful CPUs in the future IoT ecosystem.

6. Soft Skills - Personality Development

   - Duration: 8 hours (Theory), 12 hours (Practical)

   - Learning Objectives:

     - Understand the role of a positive personality and determinants of personality.

     - Learn about self-esteem.

     - Improve communication and writing skills.

Please note that this syllabus is based on the information provided and may be subject to change. It is recommended to refer to the official NIELIT documentation or contact the institution for the most accurate and up-to-date syllabus.

NIELIT O Level Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5)


The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us. It has transformed ordinary objects into smart, connected devices that can communicate with each other and with us. The NIELIT O Level Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5) is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of IoT and its applications. This module aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop IoT-based applications and explore the potential of this emerging technology.


Upon completion of this module, learners will be able to:

- Understand how connected devices work together and update other applications.

- Interface sensors and actuators with microcontroller-based Arduino platforms.

- Write C programs in Arduino IDE.

- Understand the communication between microcontrollers and PCs using serial communication.

- Build IoT-based applications and comprehend the flow of data between devices.

- Gain knowledge about electronic devices that control electrical appliances operating at 220v AC.

- Understand the security aspects of IoT devices.

- Enhance their skill set for better personality development.


The module consists of 120 hours of study, including 48 hours of theory and 72 hours of practical training.

Outline of the Module

1. Introduction to IoT - Applications/Devices, Protocols, and Communication Models (4 hours theory, 6 hours practical)

In this unit, learners will gain an understanding of various IoT applications, protocols, architecture, and characteristics of IoT devices. They will also learn about the physical design, logical design, functional blocks of IoT, and communication models.

2. Things and Connections (4 hours theory, 6 hours practical)

This unit focuses on closed loop/feedback loop systems and explores the use of sensors, actuators, and controllers in the IoT process flow. Learners will also delve into the comparison between TCP/IP and OSI models and wired and wireless connectivity.

3. Sensors, Actuators, and Microcontrollers (8 hours theory, 12 hours practical)

Learners will explore the role of sensors and transducers in measuring physical quantities. They will understand the working and characteristics of actuators and the role and use of microcontrollers in building electronic devices.

4. Building IoT Applications (20 hours theory, 30 hours practical)

This unit provides learners with practical skills for building IoT applications. They will gain a comprehensive understanding of microcontrollers and hardware prototyping using the Arduino platform. Learners will also learn the role of the C language in building IoT applications, including topics such as data types, operators, expressions, conditional statements, loops, arrays, functions, digital and analog pins of Arduino, and interfacing sensors and actuators. The use of the ArduBlock GUI tool will also be covered.

5. Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem (4 hours theory, 6 hours practical)

This unit emphasizes the importance of security in IoT. Learners will explore basic security concepts, security levels, and the need for a powerful CPU in the future IoT ecosystem.

6. Soft Skills - Personality Development (8 hours theory, 12 hours practical)

In this unit, learners will understand the role of positive personality traits and the determinants of personality. They will explore self-esteem, communication skills, and writing skills, enhancing their overall personality development.


The NIELIT O Level Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5) provides learners with a comprehensive understanding of IoT and its applications. By covering various aspects such as protocols, sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, IoT application development, security, and soft skills, this module equips learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive in the IoT industry. As IoT continues to

 revolutionize industries across the globe, this syllabus prepares learners for a future where connected devices and smart technologies are the norm.

07 June 2023

Ms word Most Important Shortcut Key

Ms word Most Important Shortcut Key

Here are 50 commonly used shortcut keys in Microsoft Word:

1. Ctrl + N: Create a new document.

2. Ctrl + O: Open an existing document.

3. Ctrl + S: Save the current document.

4. Ctrl + P: Print the document.

5. Ctrl + Z: Undo the last action.

6. Ctrl + Y: Redo the last action.

7. Ctrl + X: Cut the selected text or object.

8. Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text or object.

9. Ctrl + V: Paste the copied or cut text or object.

10. Ctrl + A: Select the entire document.

11. Ctrl + B: Bold the selected text.

12. Ctrl + I: Italicize the selected text.

13. Ctrl + U: Underline the selected text.

14. Ctrl + L: Align the text or object to the left.

15. Ctrl + R: Align the text or object to the right.

16. Ctrl + E: Align the text or object to the center.

17. Ctrl + J: Justify the text or object.

18. Ctrl + D: Open the Font dialog box.

19. Ctrl + F: Find a specific word or phrase in the document.

20. Ctrl + H: Find and replace a word or phrase in the document.

21. Ctrl + G: Go to a specific page or location in the document.

22. Ctrl + K: Insert a hyperlink.

23. Ctrl + Numpad +: Increase the font size.

24. Ctrl + Numpad -: Decrease the font size.

25. Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase the font size by one point.

26. Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease the font size by one point.

27. Ctrl + Shift + C: Copy the formatting of the selected text.

28. Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste the copied formatting to the selected text.

29. Ctrl + Shift + F: Change the font.

30. Ctrl + Shift + P: Change the font size.

31. Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply the bullet or numbering format.

32. Ctrl + Shift + A: Change the case of the selected text.

33. Ctrl + Shift + N: Apply the normal style to the selected text.

34. Ctrl + Shift + S: Apply the style to the selected text.

35. Ctrl + Shift + D: Double underline the selected text.

36. Ctrl + Shift + E: Align the text or object to the center horizontally.

37. Ctrl + Shift + F3: Change the case of the selected text to uppercase.

38. Ctrl + Shift + F4: Repeat the last action.

39. Ctrl + Shift + F5: Restore the document window size.

40. Ctrl + Shift + F6: Switch to the previous document window.

41. Ctrl + Shift + F7: Update linked information in a Word source document.

42. Ctrl + Shift + F8: Extend a selection or block mode.

43. Ctrl + Shift + F9: Unlink a field.

44. Ctrl + Shift + F10: Maximize the document window.

45. Ctrl + Shift + F11: Lock a field.

46. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Print the document.

47. Ctrl + Spacebar: Remove manual character formatting.

48. Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar: Create a non-breaking space.

49. Ctrl + Alt + 1: Apply the Heading 1 style.

50. Ctrl + Alt + 2: Apply the Heading 2 style.

These shortcut keys can help you perform various tasks quickly and efficiently in Microsoft Word.

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